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My Kid’s EE class and I visited the Mission de la Casa Nursing home. It was a true blessing to see the Holy Spirit working in the kids, adults, and elderly that day. Some people heard the gospel for the first time and accepted Christ! =D

I also revisited San Jose 2 church. The sermon was about Luke 1:39-45, the friendship between Mary and Elizabeth. Pastor Hung said true spiritual friendships should have these components:

1. Both people fear God
2. Intentional Community: Mary hurried to Judea, a far journey, to meet Elizabeth after the angel spoke to her.
3. Filled with the Holy Spirit: when we come together, the spirit is clearly there.
4. Satisfies the Deepest Needs

I pray for these types of friendships, and I pray this Christmas season to bless others in this way.

Foodie: canh he dau hu, thit kho hot vit

Explosion, bursting, head
Slowly, quietly, seeping through
Any peace, solace, escape
I seek.

Help me Oh Lord.
I need you.
I am nothing. Without You.
Love me.

Categories: Bible, Personal Life
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